Chooktopia offers a range of school and kinder incursions across many sustainability topics. We can assist with ResourceSmart waste audits, in-school interactive sessions and facilitate walking excursions in your local area to learn about waterways, litter and the natural environment.
All sessions are linked to the curriculum.
Council funded incursions available
Chooktopia is contracted by some Councils to run incursions on Council's behalf. Click on the logo for your council for more information on programs available in your area.

Beaconsfield Kinder
"Ella was absolutely amazing! Our group is very tricky with a variety of needs, Ella engaged the children, read their needs well and moved forward with the program."
Birches Early Learning
"Loved all the resources and how Tiffany allowed children so much time to share their ideas and thinkings"
Cardinia Primary School
"Fantastic experience for the children. Great activities during the session. Very enjoyable overall and the children were engaged in the session."